BCAP Global Fixed Income Allocation Fund
Update 12/09/2024
• The Fund has a policy to invest in the investment units of foreign fixed income funds. The destination funds have a diversified exposure to global fixed income market. The Fund will invest in the investment units of two or more funds in order to have a net exposure, average in an accounting period not less than 80% of the Fund’s NAV. The investment ratio in each fund, averaged in an accounting period shall not be more than 79% of the Fund’s NAV. The proportion of investment in each fund shall be as per the discretion of the Fund Managers which may be adjusted depending on the current financial markets and investment outlook at any given time. The Fund will invest in offshore, average in an accounting period, more than 80% of the Fund’s NAV. Besides, the Fund may consider investing in non-investment grade bonds and/or unrated bonds at not more than 60% of the NAV of the Fund depending on the discretion of the Fund Managers.
• The Fund may invest in derivatives for efficient portfolio management or for hedging purposes depending on the discretion of the Fund Managers.
• Investment strategy : Active Management